Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tea & Testimony

A God sized dream became realized this year in my MOPS group.  65 women for 40 hours came together to share motherhood and life together. 

Introverts, extroverts, moms with 1 and moms with 11 (Thanks to Suzanne Hollman our mentor mom:). Leaders, followers, a magnificent paradox of women created a real life community that was seeded on motherhood, and came fruition on this day.

The Lord used MOPS this year to speak differently to each woman in this group.  He opened our eyes, quieted hearts, birthed new friendships and new babies and allowed life to bloom.  It has been such an over the top God thing.  "THANK YOU LORD."

As I watched new face book posts, and read the comments, one truth resonates in my heart, "We needed this.  We need real community."  Not the Webster's dictionary kind of social group community, but community that calls us to bring our messy, our misunderstood, and even our mundane.  Community that allows us to acknowledge our failures, but will also let us celebrate our success.  Community that will sometimes just "be."

Community is hard sometimes.  The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, wired us to crave community, and when the fellowship of Christ occurs, it points others to Him. 

Community is not just about being together, it's about doing life together.  That is what happened in my MOPS group.  I thank this group for giving me a place to share my struggles and joy as a mommy and for making the last six years of motherhood so wonderful.  I pray God will continue to shine his magnificent  light in this wonderful group of women. 

I am forever blessed!
1 Corinthians 16:14 "Let all you do be done with Love."

1 comment:

  1. What a great thing you and these women all did for each other... a wonderful legacy.....
