Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Emergancy Kit

We had our last MOPS meeting for the year last week. In preparing for the meeting I decided it would be fitting to put together an “emergency kit” to get all of us moms through the tough times of winter.

For many, sometimes it becomes hard to be motivated when we feel a sense of dryness or “winter” in our walk as Christians. During these times we may even find ourselves wondering what He is doing and is He really listening at all. However, in these times of dryness, God also gives us wonderful opportunities to build our faith on a more solid foundation. Instead of looking for his comfort, in many ways we are forced to look deeper into His truths. Preparing for these times in our life can make all the difference in the world.

Candle – God’s Guidance

we’ve all heard the saying, “Burning one’s candle at both ends”. As mom’s we are constantly working too hard with too many things, and as a consequence sometimes we can feel discouraged and overwhelmed. A candle is intended to be burned from one end to the other only. God’s guidance is our light source. We can’t get through our daily lives, without following God’s direction and leading. This candle will help you stay sensitive to God’s leading and continue to help you go in the right direction so that you can see a little more clearly.

Cocoa : God’s Warmth

During “winter”, it’s easy to develop a bad attitude. It doesn't take much at all for some of us. In comes the dreary days, the cold and chill, and drip...drip...we have formed those icicle attitudes. We become cranky and out of sorts with our family and anyone who we come in contact with. We also tend to complain more about anyone and anything.  When we are in the midst of a trial we sometimes automatically go into icicle attitude mode. We don't have any fellowship with anyone to help encourage us through our trial because who wants to be around us? We have to remember that no one else can fix our bad attitudes. Only we can do that. It's not easy either to adjust your attitude during a "winter" because the weight of that ice is bearing down on us. I've found that the simplest way to start working on adjusting a bad attitude is to take a step back and just remember who God is and who we are not. Open this packet and remember to "Be still, and know that I am God:" Psalm 46:10

God is the Living Water

Bottled water in a winter emergency is a must. We need it to survive just like we need the Living Water. We need Christ and His Word to live. Relying on Him will keep us from a parched existence. Drink in His love, His promises, His blessings, and His strength. Looking to Him in the face of our trials and circumstances will help see us through our "winter".

God’s "Riesens"

We like to keep things predictable and easy. Who wants to explore uncomfortable changes in life? During the “winter” circumstances in our lives we can also be devastated by sour relationships, sick children, and many other circumstances that weigh down on us until we think we can’t go on because we just can’t see the “reason”. During these times our when our life as a woman and mother seem unsettled, we need to remember that God’s “riesens” are far beyond our comprehension. He knows that our lives are much more beautiful when we endure a little difficulty or discomfort; it is then that we grow and lean on His strength.

"But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:10

Devotional Music

Have some things on hand to sustain you through the winter. Memorized Scriptures can help more than anything. Just a phrase of Scripture to grasp in the dead of our "winter" can be a great comfort to us. There is no easy way out motherhood at times, but keeping our lives in tune with God can help guard against difficult situations. Regular personal devotions and a time with God each day can go a long way.

"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice." Psalm 55:17

Remember, never give up! During this time of “winter” strengthen your week knees. Persevere. Know that God always rewards those who persist in chasing after him!

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