Sunday, November 7, 2010

Control + Alt + Delete

“I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.”
Philippians 4:13
Some crazy day it was! Yes, it was just one of those days. Well, I feel like I’ve had many of those lately…You know the one where you wish you could just CONTROL + ALT + Delete the entire day. I was tired and the girls were pushing every button I had. I’m pretty sure there were several times that day that I wondered if I was really cut out to be a mom. Obviously I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, but sometimes as a mother I struggle to be patient with them.
The more I thought about my trying day, the more I realized how Jesus must have felt during those final hours on earth. When thinking about His suffering and crucifixion, I am brought to the realization that it was only through His unwavering love for his father and all of us that made his last hours endurable. As believers, the Lord is asking us to offer our difficult times so that it can be united with His cross. Salvation comes from the cross and through the resurrection we are given new life.
Philippians 4:13 says “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.” We are all challenged from time to time with circumstances that test the limits of our physical, emotional, and mental resources. As I continue down the path of motherhood, I know God will give me all the strength I need to fulfill his calling just as he did for his son Jesus. When I feel like my spiritual life is failing me, I am reminded to stay faithful and leave the progress in His hands. No matter what this world throws at me, it’s all going to be okay. He is always faithful and willing to walk with me through the darkest and weakest hours of my days.

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