13 weeks and four days remaining until I become a mother to a baby boy! I'm feeling like I could tip over at any moment because of the weight I'm carrying at the front of my belly and I'm finding it more and more difficult to tie my own shoes. Thank goodness I live in a place where flip flops in the winter is considered acceptable fashion. The struggle to get out of a chair is the ongoing joke in my family right now and it takes supreme effort just to turn over in bed…I do believe Russell secretly gets a good laugh every time. The physical symptoms are hard to bear sometimes but the hormone flood on the brain makes me feel like I’m going crazy. Thankfully this will end soon enough.
You would think after already having two children, I would be an expert at this whole pregnancy thing by now but sad to say, that’s not true. It’s like I’ve forgotten everything I went through and I’m humbled and reminded that each pregnancy is so unique in and of itself. Yes, there is truth to the saying; God has a way of taking the pains and sufferings of child-bearing and wiping them out of a woman’s mind when all is said and done. Ask any mother and they will tell you the discomfort is worth the reward in the end, or so many women wouldn't be doing it.
Although it may sound like I’m complaining about my situation (and maybe I am), even though I’m not in the most comfortable stage of life right now, I’m reminded of the joys that my children constantly bring. Amongst the trials of motherhood and pregnancy, Gods love is the unending waterfall in all these circumstances. Even though I sometimes find it challenging to stand under the water, he is always there to shower me with his love and grace.
As I’m quickly coming to the end of this pregnancy I am also reminded that even though this is a temporary state of discomfort in my life, there are so many women who are not able to experience pregnancy or motherhood at all, or are suffering in ways I can’t even imagine everyday of their life with no end. When I think of this, it makes my suffering seem like a mouse turd in comparison. There is a famous slogan in the AA world that says “God taught us to laugh again but God please don’t let us forget that we once cried” Going through these experiences in my life, in a very small way helps me see deeper into the life of those suffering. May I never forget this difficulty and always have compassion for those who suffer in this world.