Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In the middle of the trenches

Lately I've been facing a lot of battles with the little people in my life. School has been a huge adjustment for Kinley and it's taking a toll on her emotionally and she is ALWAYS tired. And Bailey has decided reading books during nap time is so much more exciting. So when three o'clock rolls around, every one in the house has melt downs, including me.

I'm tired of feeling easily provoked and defeated.  There are days like today, that I get so tired of the whining, fussing and complaining I wish I could hit the fast forward button to bed time.  Overcoming my temperament isn’t always easy in these circumstances but I know it’s inevitable to be a parent without facing these daily trials. Oh how I remember fondly, the days when I was a perfect parent, with perfect children. Back before I actually had any kids...

Tonight I’m casting my cares on the Lord and praying He will sustain me.


  1. I really don't know how you do it all Diane.... I really don't. You are amazing!! I too would get frustrated and feel defeated having to go through all of this. You have 3 kids at 3 different stages in their lives and that has to be hard to maintain. You're doing a GREAT job!!!

  2. I know for a fact that the love you have for those little girls shines through even on rough days, cuz I've seen it.
