Monday, June 27, 2011

Hair? What Hair?

I got my hair cut this weekend. Russell always asks if I’m going to cut it short. My response is always you will see when I get home with a mischievous grin. He thinks I’m funny because at the last minute I chicken out and only get a trim.

I hardly ever cut my hair, seeing as how I don’t have time to leave my house all by myself for a haircut. Not to mention the fact that my stylist charges the equivalent to a weekend get away to a four star hotel in the Bahamas. Now that Colson is here and inevitably by the third month my hair is falling out and clogging the drains. I decided it was time.

Goodbye shampoo commercial locks, hello no-maintenance bob. I have officially hit the mom uniform: yoga pants, stained t-shirt, and hair too short for Colson to pull. I’ve gone off the deepened.

Kinley decided to come along and share in the adventure.  The next few shots were taken by her.

Your looking at a future photographer

Brand new hairdo

Curly Head
No more ponytails!  Snip, Snip, Clip, Chop!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friends are God's Helpers

Every week two of my dear friends and I take turns taking our older kiddos to the movies. This past week I had the chance to see Yogi Bear with the kiddos. Even though some critics would say this was a terrible movie, I thought it was pretty hilarious. But I guess I can be pretty elementary when it comes to my sense of humor. It was a nice break to sit through a movie and enjoy laughing with Kinley and Brayden and nibble on a few pieces of popcorn.

When we got back to Tamara’s house, she offered to make lunch. Of course I was ecstatic; she’s the type of person who always has a good recipe tucked away. Take a look at her yummy corned beef sandwich she put together. I savored every bite. In fact, I introduced it to another sweet friend who loved it as well. I’m so thankful for friendships in my life that make my days so much more enjoyable. After all, Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things that make it wonderful.

No need for a fork!


Jewish Rye Bread (no seeds)
Corned Beef - thin sliced
Swiss cheese - Sliced
Thousand Island dressing
Can add sauerkraut if you want

Butter both sides of bread, add dressing, Swiss cheese and corned beef and cook on stove top till brown.


I over do it!  If I'm on the Internet I stay on too long.  If I'm reading a book I want to read one more page. I start thinking about things and can't stop. Self Control and Balance...  My kids need my attention, my husband is on his last set of boxers and I can't help but get dragged into a black hole. Facebook... I spend entirely too much time online, wondering what other people are doing. Dallas Mommy, all of my routine websites I like to go to.
I need less of me and more of (Him > me). I don't think God would want me to structure my life in a way to crowd out the good things he has already given before me.  I pray that the Lord will help me to not get caught up in all of life's distractions.           

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Fairy Tale Moment...

Once in awhile, right in the middle of an odinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's a Dog's Life

They say dogs are just children with fur, I couldn't agree more!  Sadie brings so much joy to our house It's pretty Im-paws-ible to imagine our life without her.

Doggie Love

Fur-rocious fun

Just me and my dog

This is the look of a spoiled, rotten dog

Dog gone cute!

No bones about it, our Sadie is a one of a kind best of Show. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Needed; a little less talk and a lot more action!

My friend Kirsten came in town today and invited us to meet her for lunch. After deciding on the Rainforest Café, I was so excited about the idea of sharing this fun experience with the kiddos. After all, back in our day, animals were only crackers right? I can’t deprive them of the things I was never able to do. I really do think that sometimes I was born without the “wait, you shouldn’t do that" gene.

I should have gotten my first hint on how things would turn out when Bailey thought she was being attacked by alligators and gorillas. Anyway, to make a long story short, it turned into an event that made me want to go bang my head against the closest fish tank and fire Kristen for allowing me to do something so extreme.

On our drive home, I told Kinley we were all taking a nap when we got home. She told me she didn’t care about taking a nap and it didn’t bother her AT ALL...(let me just add, she hates naps). I could feel my eye twitching so I knew it would be better to just remain silent and get home with my dignity intact. After about the 15th time making her go back to her room, she finally realized it was a small price to pay for her disobedience.

Sometimes I wish parenting wasn't so freakin' challenging. I fondly remember the day when I was a perfect parent with perfect children...back before I actually had any. When it comes to disciplining my girls, I find myself thinking a lot more has been "said" than "done". I'm all bark and no bite.

NOT ANYMORE! Good-bye empty promises and undelivered threats of consequences. By the end of summer, I will be spending less of my time and energy on disiplining and more time enjoying my role as a mom because I love them too much to give in. Persistance, gentleness and time are my three allies. NO MORE! So there, there and there!
Thanks Kristen for sending me these pictures of a day I will never forget! 

This is the part where I should have gone into hibernation. She was so scared she covered her poor eyes. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's day

Had a great father's day.  We celebrated by going to Mass and brunch with great friends.  I'm so blessed to have a husband who absolutely adores his children.  Here is a fun video we put together for him with the girls favorite songs. 

Before Brunch at Josephines.  Bailey no longer likes taking pictures.

Buffet Style.

 personalized omelets! Kinley thought this was pretty neat.

My plate, before...

Dessert was fabulous!

Bailey thought so too.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hope is real

Today I had the opportunity to help out with the Beads of Courage program at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. The children who participate in this program receive colored beads that represent milestones, procedures, and acts of bravery. For instance, they get a yellow bead for an overnight hospital stay, a white one for chemotherapy, and a glow-in-the-dark bead for radiation treatment and so on…

As I was helping my friend Suzanne take pictures of the children wearing their beaded necklaces, I noticed some of them had at least 20 feet of beads around their neck. As a mother, I can’t even begin to comprehend the trials these parents must be going through watching their children suffer. my heart aches... But, as I looked into the eyes of these families, I also felt a sense of hope, peace and joy. It just amazes me how God has the power to bring goodness even in the darkest hours of life.

Today reminded me that whatever situations we may face in life, we should never feel hopeless or alone.  God’s love has a way of igniting flames of hope and can encourage us through any trial.  May God help these beautiful families going though such a difficult trial and continue to bless them with peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A small piece of paradise

You want to know what this world needs more of...

Summer in a glass!

Seriously.  It's impossible to be bored while you suck this down!  Throw on some Pandora Hawaiian music and you have yourself a small piece of paridise.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dream Builders

In my past life before I started having kids, I was a director of admissions for a business school. The main purpose of my position in a nutshell was to inspire people to go back to school. I remember telling them the night of orientation that the world is divided into two types of people..."Dream killers” and “Dream builders". There are those who think the best in people and try to draw out positive qualities. And then there are those people in life who think the worst in people, push them away and look for the bad. I would then say it’s easy to pinpoint some of the dream killers in our life. However, the ones we need to watch out sometimes are those who are closest to us. They may not even realize their negativity.

For those who know me, you know I’m not perfect; in fact I’m a perfectionist at being imperfect. I’ve done some things in my life that I’m not proud to admit. Nonetheless, I’m thankful for an all forgiving God who sees my heart and knows I’m a work in progress. I’m also thankful for those who have never given up on me, especially my husband.

Often times many of us tend to push people away and exploit their bad qualities when things go wrong or when it’s not done in the way we thought it should be done. It’s so easy to do. Nonetheless, no one is perfect except our heavenly father. Without sounding to cliché or preachy, we should all inspire to be dream builders in the lives of others. We never know where that person may be on their journey with Christ but by believing and breathing life into the people in our lives, we just might get them a little closer to serving God's all mystifying plan in this life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trading Spaces

After months of talk, we finally switched all three of the kids rooms.  Kinley moved into the guest room after much bribing convincing we would paint it any color she wanted.  Bailey took Kinley's room and Colson is now in Bailey's room.  Geeezz, could we have made it any more difficult?  It's a small world, unless you have to paint it!  Here are some pictures!

Purple, really???  He didn't like the idea, but she's got him wrapped around her finger.

I helped too!

Final color!  Not too bad.

We made these letters with scrapbook paper and wooden letters from Hobby Lobby.  Trace and glue. We added a few embelishments for fun. 

Her first night in her new room! Good night my Purplicious! 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Sleeping Beauty

Shopping at Target is so hard, Yo!
Don't you wish you could eat popcorn and be pushed around in a basket?

Ok, Maybe NOT!!!

Her new ride with daddy.  Life is good!

How bout' you have a lick and then I can have a lick.  And then we can go find my other shoe!

She has no idea how much I love her!